Wednesday, July 25, 2007

P-Otter blog

Wow! So Ann finished her book, and gave it to us. We finished our version, but this one seemed to have Ann's attention, like all weekend. So we figured, it must have some good things. But it's SO big!!!! We will be reading this book forever!!!

Looks like lots of people have already finsihed though. Hmm. We better get going.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's here!!

YAY! We are SO excited because it's finally here!! OK, we are all stocked for the weekend with munchies and coffee. Mmmm. Pour us some sweet tea and lead us to the book, baby! This looks kinda different from the book that Ann has, but we think ours is more fun. Certainly shorter. How does she lift that thing? No need for the gym this week!

Friday, July 06, 2007

4th of July!

Woohoo!!! We LOVE fireworks!!
4th of July is so great! Ann had the day off work and JM came to visit! We had so much fun just hanging out and being lazy!! Oooo and eating fish-sicles!!! MMMM YUMMY.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hip hip hooray!

A BIG round of applause for CRD!!!!

He has been writing and writing and writing.... and is finished with his book!!! He is going to be Dr CRD soon!!! Wow. We are in awe! So hooray! We are looking forward to lots of celebrations, especially by the end of next week then you give your last talk on this big book. :-) We don't understand it, but we know we feel obliged to give you a big CONGRATULATIONS!!!