Oh yeah, last month we went camping!! We hadn't been camping before, but wow! We like it! It was cool. We drove up in the car with Ann and Scott and Daniel and Christine! We sang songs and ate pizza and got up North to the campsite really really late. It was dark! We were both asleep in the car, but we woke up in a tent!!! It was so cool! You set up this tent and it's HUGE! We slept in there with like 4 other people. We had our own sleeping bags and had plenty of room on the floor. It wasn't bad! But it was hot. When we woke up in the morning, we were sweaty...eww!
We rolled out of bed, or bag, and headed over to get some food! Mmm. Bagels. No doughnuts though. We had to move quick cause we were off to go to the river!! YAY! We swam and swam and swam... the others were in these long canoe things, but we didn't see the point. Two of the girls fell in, we thought they were coming to swim with us!
That night we made s'more! We have decided that camping is all about the s'mores!! And we want s'more! MMMmmmm! So yummy! Sthicky marshmallow and melty chocolate...! What more could a little otter hope for? CLAMS!!!! Yes, clam marshmallow chocolaty goodness. MMMM!!!! My whiskers are quivering just thinking about it!
We stayed up late and ate s'mores and sang songs that Daniel played on his guitar. We thought about playing, but our paws were sticky. Ah, beautiful night under the stars! Not so hot either, so a good sleep.

The next day, we packed up and our friends went off to go home! We went back to our car, but we didn't want to go home yet. So we drove around for a bit and then went to a Marina, where Scott found us some sailboats! There were big waves, and we were glad we were strong swimmers. We did a little sailing, but we were better at swimming the boat back when it broke. Not our fault!!! Promise! Here's a pic of Chris in the big tent. She had to go home, far away. Bye Chris!! So another good drive home and more yummy pizza. We like camping!